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INI File  |  2005-07-13  |  2KB  |  121 lines

  1. ;PSPad user HighLighter definition file
  2. ;I made it case sensitive because of the tag argument that comes as reserved keyword, and as keyword2
  3. [Settings]
  4. Name=RWX (RenderWare Script)
  5. HTMLGroup=0
  6. FileType=*.rwx
  7. CommentString=
  8. ANSIComment=0
  9. PasComment=0
  10. SlashComment=0
  11. CComment=0
  12. SpecComment=0
  13. BasComment=0
  14. FoxComment=0
  15. REMComment=0
  16. ExclComment=0
  17. ByComment=0
  18. SharpComment=1
  19. SlashComment=0
  20. PerCentComment=0
  21. SinglQComment=0
  22. DblQComment=0
  23. SQLComment=0
  24. FortranComment=0
  25. CStarComment=0
  26. DollarComment=0
  27. LBracketComment=0
  28. SingleQuote=0
  29. DoubleQuote=0
  30. Preprocessors=0
  31. IndentChar=
  32. UnIndentChar=
  33. TabWidth=0
  34. CaseSensitive=1
  35. PocoComment=0
  36. SmartComment=0
  37. HaskellComment=0
  38. PipeComment=0
  39. WebFocusComment=0
  40. KeyWordChars=-_
  41. [KeyWords]
  42. ClumpBegin=
  43. ClumpEnd=
  44. MaterialBegin=
  45. MaterialEnd=
  46. ModelBegin=
  47. ModelEnd=
  48. ProtoBegin=
  49. ProtoEnd=
  50. TransformBegin=
  51. TransformEnd=
  52. [ReservedWords]
  53. AddMaterialMode=
  54. AddTextureMode=
  55. Ambient=
  56. AxisAlignment=
  57. Block=
  58. Collision=
  59. Color=
  60. Cone=
  61. Cylinder=
  62. Diffuse=
  63. Disc=
  64. GeometrySampling=
  65. Hemisphere=
  66. Identity=
  67. LightSampling=
  68. MaterialMode=
  69. MaterialModes=
  70. Opacity=
  71. Opacityfix=
  72. Polygon=
  73. ProtoInstance=
  74. ProtoInstanceGeometry=
  75. Quad=
  76. RandomUVs=
  77. RemoveMaterialMode=
  78. RemoveTextureMode=
  79. Rotate=
  80. Scale=
  81. Specular=
  82. Sphere=
  83. Surface=
  84. Tag=
  85. Texture=
  86. TextureAddressMode=
  87. TextureExt=
  88. TextureMipmapState=
  89. TextureMode=
  90. TextureModes=
  91. Transform=
  92. Translate=
  93. Triangle=
  94. Vertex=
  95. VertexExt=
  96. [KeyWords2]
  97. clamp=
  98. double=
  99. double=
  100. facet=
  101. filter=
  102. foreshorten=
  103. lit=
  104. mask=
  105. mirror=
  106. none=
  107. null=
  108. off=
  109. on=
  110. pointcloud=
  111. prelight=
  112. solid=
  113. tag=
  114. uv=
  115. vertex=
  116. wireframe=
  117. wrap=
  118. xyz=
  119. zorientx=
  120. zorienty=
  121. [KeyWords3]